Representations of animals are everywhere in our culture, from advertising hoardings, to newspapers and television, to hundreds of thousands of images uploaded everyday to the internet. At the same time, animals are consistently subjects of public controversy, whether in relation to animal rights, conservation strategies or genetic engineering. In a lively and appealing installation, Beastly/Tierisch explores these questions through works by leading artists and photographers, including Francis Alÿs, Sammy Baloji, Charlotte Dumas, Jitka Hanzlova, Simen Johan, Chris Marker, Katja Novitskova, Michael Schmidt, Carolee Schneemann and Hiroshi Sugimoto. Since the 1970s, the animal has become ever more important to both artistic and amateur practice, offering a mysterious and perhaps unfathomable subject with which to develop aesthetic strategies. In their work, the animal is a questioning and challenging entity, enabling a rethinking of conceptions of nature and culture, as well as the very idea of the animal – and the human being! – itself.

Filip Gilissen will show Listen To Your Dream, with the support of a testimonial performance, by a duo of Golden Retrievers. The booth itself wil put on display, 50 unique and cliche portraits of Golden Retriever puppies with feel-good quotes from Ancient Greek philosophers.

30.05.2015 - 04.10.2015
Grüzenstrasse 44
8400 Winterthur